

Kindred Therapy

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Lisa Britton

Lisa is an accredited counsellor and qualified Play Therapist. Since first qualifying in 1999, she has gained considerable experience working with adults, adolescents, children, families and couples in various statutory and voluntary settings. Having worked for twelve years providing therapy for children and adults affected by sexual violence, she has developed significant expertise in the fields of mental health, relationship issues, childhood sexual assault, domestic abuse and trauma.

She has also trained and supervised teams of volunteer counsellors and those professionals wishing to expand their skills base. Her training programmes during the past ten years have included creative and therapeutic play programmes, sexual violence and safeguarding training as well as workshops designed to develop skills for working with individuals who self-harm.

Her therapeutic model stems from the integration of her person-centred, psychodynamic and psycho-synthesis training roots and is informed and complimented by the creativity and symbolic play aspects of her Play Therapy training.

In recent years she has integrated nature and the senses into her work with clients of all ages and has taken ‘therapy outside’ as well as inside. She is able to use the natural environment to increase the efficacy of her working methods and has facilitated camps for families struggling with their communication and relationships.

Her studies in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and EMDR have brought new techniques to her practice, especially when working with clients who have experienced trauma and for dissociative clients.

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
— Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe